3 Parts An Auto Body Shop Can Replace After Hitting A Deer
Posted on: 3 March 2016
No one expects to be in a car accident. They just happen. Countless people end up hitting a deer when driving down the road. Deer can come flying out of the woods and dart across the road at any time. While many try to avoid hitting them, it is inevitable for most. The whole thing happens in a matter of seconds. If you found yourself dealing with a situation where your car needs repairs due to hitting a deer, you aren't alone. Thankfully, you can turn to aftermarket car parts from an auto body shop to restore your vehicle back to its original state without having to break the bank account along the way. Here are three common parts you might need after hitting a deer.
Oftentimes, the deer will try to jump across the road. If it happens to be in mid jump, there is a good chance that the deer is going to roll up on your hood. This can dent and scratch your hood, causing you to need a new hood to restore its appearance and allow it to shut properly.
Depending on how the deer hit the vehicle, you could end up with a huge dent in the door. Not only does the dent look unsightly, but it also causes the hinges to struggle to open and close. You are doing more damage to the hinges by not trying to replace the door and fix the problem.
Bumper or Grille
The bumper or grille tend to be the most common parts that have to be replaced. They take a lot of the impact when hitting a deer. The body of the deer can break or crack the assembly and cause everything to fall apart. This can also damage your headlight assembly and make it where you have to replace it as well. Luckily, you can get all of these items from the aftermarket dealer to help you save a small fortune on repairs.
If you need any of the above components, you can turn to a salvage yard to get cheap vehicle parts in no time. Just let them know what you need and they can locate the parts for you. It doesn't take long to find what you need when looking for aftermarket parts. Or, contact a body shop, like Rocky mountain Collision of Sandy, for help. The best part of all is that you can save a fortune on the cost of these replacement parts.