• 3 Types Of Damage Small Hail Stones Can Cause On Your Car

    If a recent storm dropped small hail in your area, you may be concerned about the condition of your car if you had to leave it out in the inclement weather. When you are finally able to inspect your car, you may find one or more of the following types of damage that small hailstones can cause. 1.  Cracks or Chips in Your Windshield One of the first signs of hail damage you may notice may be found on your car's windshield.
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  • Need To Purchase A Paint Booth For Your Auto Body And Paint Shop? 3 Accessories To Purchase With It

    If you own an auto body and paint shop, purchasing a paint booth will make things much easier for you. Along with the paint booth, however, you should also choose accessories to go with it. Below are three of these accessories so you can get everything set up. 1. Bluetooth Sound System  A Bluetooth sound system will allow you to listen to music while you are painting automobiles. This can make your time spent in the paint booth more enjoyable and can help the time pass faster.
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