Tips To Help You Find A Quality Auto Collision Repair Shop

Posted on: 19 June 2023


If you have some auto body work that needs to be done and you can't do it on your own, you will need to take your vehicle to an auto collision repair shop. There are most likely a few of them within driving distance from your home. However, you do not want to simply pick a random shop for the work that needs to be done to your vehicle. You want to find a great shop, and here are some tips to help you do just that.

Ask Your Auto Insurance Company For Recommendations

Even if this repair work is going to be paid out of pocket, you can still can your insurance agent to ask for recommendations for auto collision repair shops. They most likely have one or two in mind that they send policyholders to when they are putting in a claim for repair work. The insurance company wants to make sure that the job is being done correctly, so their recommendation might be all you need.

Ask The Shop Owner The Right Questions

You will want to stop by the auto collision repair shop to speak with the owner or manager. This is so they can take a few moments to look over the condition of your vehicle, come up with a list of what needs to be repaired or replaced, and get a quote for you. When you get this quote, you will want to write down some additional information. For example, you want to ask when they could start the work and when it would be completed by. You will also want to inquire about any loaner vehicles that they can offer you. Ask if their technicians are certified and how your vehicle will be kept safe after business hours. You don't want your vehicle vandalized by criminals. They might keep it in their garage at night or park it behind a fence. Just make sure that they lock up the fence at night.

With all of that in mind, you should find that it is going to be a lot easier for you to find the ideal auto body collision repair shop. Remember, the last thing you want to do is to be without your vehicle for an extended amount of time or end up paying a lot more money than you need to. Call around, ask some questions, and use the insight you gain to decide who to hire.

Reach out to an auto collision repair service near you to learn more.